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Dirty Soap is the brainchild of a man called Luke, who also happens to be an ex Royal Marine.

People are forever asking him how the fuck he got into making handmade soap. Well, he asks himself that same question most days. For those that care, here goes, straight from the horse's mouth:


"Whilst en route to the barbers one morning to get a haircut, I was browsing around a reputable pharmacy when I couldn't help but flinch at most cosmetic companies' prices. What made it worse was that most of these sought-after products were wrapped or entirely packaged in cheap, single-use plastic. It made me a bit sick that things that I KNEW costed so little were being sold with a high-end price tag, with little or no regard to the environment. 

I headed to the barbers, which was full of tattooed people listening to fairly decent metal music whilst drinking rum. What a sick business model.. I mean, when I was a kid, the local barber was called Dave, his shop was pristine white and Classic FM was never turned higher than volume 6. Nowadays, most 'trendy' barbers aren't scared to be 'out there', and man - are they busy!

After a while, the lightbulb pinged, BOOM! Dirty Soap was born. With help from my family, I slowly started to develop products and a business that not only used totally natural ingredients for male and female grooming, but reduced day-to-day plastic waste - all whilst ensuring customers weren't charged a small fortune for the ethical privilege of helping reduce our impact on the environment."

Dirty Soap products are now stocked in barbers and shops around the country.

 Our motto: Be desired, not entitled.

Want to know more?  Hit us up! We are always good for a chat.

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